9th grade Excursion in Cooperation with Pelizaeus High School
On the agenda for many years – finally back on site: The visit to FASTEC was an interesting and instructive experience for the 9th grade of the Pelizaeus-Gymnasium Paderborn. Together with 29 pupils and a teacher, they spent a morning exploring the IT world of our company.
Sandro Großert began by giving the pupils a comprehensive insight into the various professions and development opportunities at FASTEC. Whether engineer, software developer or project manager – the opportunities are many and varied.
The students were then divided into two groups. In room 1, a Carrera track awaited them as a special highlight. Here they had the opportunity to get to know the basics of data acquisition on systems and machines in a fun way. The track was linked to our easyOEE productivity measuring device to measure the OEE value of the system.

Trial Day for Dual Studies
In cooperation with the Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft (FHDW), we hosted a trial day for dual study programs in the fields of business administration and business informatics in June.
As a long-standing partner in dual and part-time study programs, FASTEC opened its doors to almost 30 high school students to give them an insight into the practical side and everyday life of a dual student. The best way to do this is through people who have gone down this path themselves.
The highlight of the day was therefore the experience report by Felix Czaja, Sales Manager. He gave the students an authentic insight into his everyday working life and talked about his experiences during his part-time studies at the FHDW.
In addition to the informative insights into everyday working life, the event also focused on networking and informal exchanges over lunch with our neighbor in the Technology Park, Fellowmind Germany GmbH – the next stop on the excursion.
The event was supervised by our contact person at the FHDW, Tanja Prior, whom we would like to thank for organizing the event
“In order to meet the current challenges of our time and actively shape the future, it is important to drive forward the digital transformation and develop innovative technologies. To do this, we need STEM and IT specialists. As a software provider for Industry 4.0, promoting young talent therefore plays a crucial role for us.”
Nicole Vollbrecht
Human Resources, FASTEC GmbH
Events such as the 9th grade excursion with the Pelizaeus High School in Paderborn, Girls’ Day or the FHDW trial days are of great importance for the promotion of young talent. By gaining a practical insight and input from personal contacts, the pupils not only gain an insight into various professional fields, but also learn about the opportunities and challenges of an apprenticeship, a dual or part-time course of study.