In Simple Terms, There Are Three Types of Funding: Promotional Aids, Promotional Loans and Promotional Grants
Subsidies are intended for companies that are doing badly from an economic perspective. Promotional loans may have better conditions than conventional loans. However, this is not always the case, as in many cases the house bank acts as an intermediary, which is why such a promotional loan should be carefully compared with “standard loans” from the house bank. In any case, the loan must be repaid.
The most interesting type of subsidy is probably a grant, which you can keep as a company. The grants are applied for directly from the funding provider and you do not have to pay the money back.
Gifted money sounds too good to be true? Of course, as a company you have to do something for it. Your project can be funded if you do more than others and more than what is required by law. Standard is not supported.
For example, the implementation of process innovations to save energy, system introductions of a special kind and, in particular, digitization projects qualify for subsidies. It is therefore worthwhile for you to think about subsidies for the introduction of the MES system FASTEC 4 PRO, because the funding rates in the major programmes for digitization, refurbishment, etc. are considerable. There are programs that pay out between 30 – 50 % funding. The aspect that your project involves something individual and is not an off-the-shelf solution is usually very important.

How Does the Process from Funding Selection to Disbursement Work?
First of all, each program is individually structured, which is why the following is only a guideline.
- You have a project for which you would like to apply for funding
- You contact a funding agency
- They research the right program for you
- You gather all the necessary documents and papers with this agency
- You prepare the application together
- You submit the application including the required documents to the funding agency
- The application is received and checked by the funding provider
- There may be queries
- Further information and documents may need to be provided.
- Approval is received (positive or negative)
- If approval is positive, you can now start your project (e.g. trigger order)
- Implementation of your project
- Prepare final documents
- Submit these to the funding provider
- Final documents are checked by the funding provider
- As soon as the review has been completed, the grant will be transferred to you.
Finally, a Few Recommendations That You Should Always Bear in Mind.
To ensure that you can meet all deadlines without delaying your project, apply for the grants at least 6 months before the project starts. The earlier, the better
The golden rule for funding grants, which applies to 95% of all programs, is that you first need the funding provider’s approval of the grant before you can start your project. If you start your project before you have the grant approval in your hands, you have lost all eligibility for funding.
As already mentioned in the process flow, the money is only given at the end. This point often leads to confusion. The grants are only awarded after the project has been completed and after the final review by the funding provider and not, as you might expect, directly with the approval or start of your project. For you, this means that you first have to (pre-)finance your project in full in order to receive the grants once it has been completed.
To get an overview of the funding programs and meet all your obligations on time, make use of funding consultations for the large, complex programs.
Please note
The subject of subsidies is very complex. The information provided here is merely a brief, highly simplified summary. If necessary, the respective funding program contains all relevant and comprehensive information. The possibility of funding must be checked individually for each company and project.
What We Particularly Appreciate About Our Partner, Freiraum Bande:
Kathrin Wortmann and Lars Kinkeldey are the people behind Freiraum Bande. Their cheerful, open manner, their ambition and, above all, the extensive specialist knowledge they bring to the table convinced us. The more difficult the project, the more fun it is for them. When the funding application is approved at the end, they are at least as happy as the customers.
What we have in common: The shared view of the importance of digitalization. We offer the tools and the Freiraum Bande can help you to obtain possible subsidies – you can relax on your way to digital production!